Mistress T Free

If you want to see more mistress t free scenes you came to the right place today as the lovely mistress has some more juicy scenes for you to check out today. You know what she always likes to do, and that’s of course tease guys and play with them for a nice and long while until she has enough, and only then lets them cum. Well just like that, today she has another guy on her masterful little hands and she’s going to be having the guy do some foot worship for her today. And what’s not to worship to be honest, her legs look simply stunning either way. Anyway, let’s get things started and see the action go down without delay today shall we everyone?

Well as she makes her entry, she’s sporting wheat looks like a very sexy business woman suit. And following her dragged by a collar is the guy as well. As she takes her seat on that chair, she has the guy’s ball and cock tied. And he’s supose to tug on them as he tries to lick her shoes and clean them up nicely for her. The only trick is that she keeps on sliding a bit more and more further away just to see him punished. Well after she had her fun as we said, you’ll get to watch her stroking his dick and helping him blow his load today too. So have fun with miss T and her sexy scene and do come back again next week for another new gallery!


Check out the mean mistress punishing her slave!